Expectations For A Lake Harbor Dental Teeth Cleaning

dentist tools

At Lake Harbor Dental, we pride ourselves on providing the very best customer service and care along with the best most effective high tech equipment in the dentistry industry. When you come in for your bi-annual cleaning, you can expect nothing short of the very best! Here is what we typically provide in our routine cleaning visit.

Step 1: Getting Checked In

You’ll make your way to our cozy, rustic, and tastefully decorated office. Our lobby is decked out with comfortable chairs, a flatscreen plasma TV, and free magazines for you to enjoy while you wait for your appointment to start. Our friendly staff will call you back when your time comes.

Step 2: Making Sure X-Ray Scans Are Up To Date

Before getting started on the exam in general, we will check to make sure your x-ray scans are up to date. If you need a new scan, then your friendly hygienist will take you over to the state of the art x-ray machine and do another quick scan of your teeth.

Step 3: Mouth Exam By An Expert Technician

A quick visual examination of the mouth area starts the official cleaning process. This is quick and pain free and a good way for the team to check to make sure everything in your mouth is looking great!

Step 4: Manual Plaque And Tartar Removal

Next, our hygienist will gently and quickly remove plaque and buildup from your teeth using their manual tools. If you brush and floss twice daily, it can help lessen this buildup between visits!

Step 5: Expert Polish And Brush

Now for everybody’s favorite part, the bruising! Using a handy mechanical toothbrush device, the hygienist will expertly brush every single individual tooth with a special toothpaste that helps to polish and make your teeth shine!

Step 6: Flossing And Rinsing

After that, then it’s time for the floss! They will go through each tooth gap and get rid of any remaining buildup in between your teeth. Almost done!

Step 7: Set Up Next Appointment And Bonus Swag Bag!

After your flossing is finished and your teeth are feeling clean and sparkly, it’s time to set up your next appointment. Don’t forget to program it into your phone or calendar! We also send everybody home with an excellent swag bag filled with a new toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, and more! See you next time. 

people brushing teeth