Treat Your Teeth Right this New Year

We all like to start off the year with promises to eat better and maybe workout more to try to fit into those jeans or new dress, but it’s always the same: we try for a few weeks, then go right back to business as usual until next January 1st. Well, not this year! We’re going to look at some resolutions that will not only leave you smiling all the way into 2020 and beyond, but will be so easy to keep that you are almost guaranteed to succeed. Guaranteed success?! What a great way to start out the new year!

Buy The Brush

It’s time. 2019 is the year it finally happens. You buy yourself a nice electric toothbrush (and maybe a waterpik while you’re at it) so that you can really take your brushing to the next level. Getting your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year is a great habit to get into, but the real battle is everyday at home. Getting your homecare game up to speed is a major component to keeping your teeth healthy and bright for years to come. Yes, they can be a little spendy, but if you keep an eye out and shop around, you can get a great deal on one. Especially since you can think of it as an investment for the future where you will have to spend less on dental procedures.

Have Brush. Will Travel.

One of the times of the day we are at our absolute worst for dental care is at work. At work we are constantly going back and forth to the breakroom and refilling our coffee or tea mugs and there are constant snacks and office birthday cakes to tempt us with their sugary goodness. We can go as long as 10 full hours without being anywhere near a good toothbrush. Take about $10 bucks and buy yourself a nice little at-work-brushing starter kit. Get a few soft bristle toothbrushes, some floss, toothpaste, and a small bottle of mouthwash. Keep these at your desk or in your work locker if you have one. Most importantly, don’t forget to use them! Plus, it’s the perfect excuse to take a much needed break during the day. We all know having a co-worker or manager with “coffee breath” is the absolute worst. Why not take some steps to give yourself a little extra dental care and also make sure that you are never the guy or gal with the dreaded “coffee breath.”

Cut Out Hard Candy

This one may be the hardest to accomplish, but if you combine this with a real push toward eating better in general, then cutting out hard candy (or most candy in general) can really help you shed those Christmas pounds and keep your teeth healthy for many new years to come.

Drink More Water (And Less Soda)

Soda can be very corrosive and if you drink too much of that and too little water, you can create a really acidic state in your mouth that is a potential breeding ground for cavities and gingivitis, among other things. Do yourself a favor and take the no-soda challenge and cut out soda for the year. You will really see a difference!

Good luck and have a safe, healthy, and fun 2019.

How Lake Harbor Dental Can Help

If you’d like more information or would like to make an appointment with one of the dentists on staff, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Lake Harbor Dental is conveniently located in Boise’s North End at the intersection of West State Street and North Harbor.